Category: Secret Rites & Societies
The story of Là-Bas concerns the novelist Durtal who is disgusted by the emptiness and vulgarity of the modern world. He attempts to escape it by studying medieval topics and plans to write a...
The Grand Grimore, authored by Reuben Swinburne Clymer under the pseudonym “Pythagoras 38,” is an eclectic occult training manual intended for lodge members. (It is crucial not to confuse this work with the medieval...
In Roman culture, Lares, Lemures, and Penates were gods and spirits that were believed to protect and watch over the household and its members. These figures played an important role in daily life and...
Abakua (Abakuá) or Abakwa, sometimes called Ñáñigo, is an Afro-Cuban men’s initiatory fraternity or secret society, which originated from centuries old fraternal associations in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon,...
Nazi UFO information is rapidly banned from the ‘official Internet’. I mean the internet that embraces the new neoliberal new speak world dictatorship. Though a fascinating subject, reliable information on the apocryphal science of...
Sak Yant tattoo is common in Southeast Asia and is distinct for its monochromic and geometric patterns, passages from religious classics, and animal images. Only Sak Yant masters can perform this tattoo. They mix...
Allan Kardec, or Alan Kardec, whose real name is Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, was born in Lion on October 3, 1804 and died on March 31, 1869. He was a French pedagogue and a...
In het eerste deel van dit artikel belichtte ik vijf segmenten van het Duits occultisme. In deel 2 kijken we vooral naar het Duits occultisme binnen de geopolitiek en occulte loges. Een apart hoofdstuk...
Dit artikel gaat over een aantal specifieke cryptohistorische facetten van Nazi-Duitsland. Deze beperking voer ik in omdat het domweg onmogelijk is een volledig afgetimmerd essay over Duits occultisme rond Hitler in het algemeen te...
An infinite, virtually free, and environmentally friendly source of energy… An utopia? According to the conventional laws of physics, it would be. But what if these laws don’t apply under all circumstances? Throughout human...