The Book of Abramelin
The Book of Abramelin tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abramelin, or Abra-Melin, who taught a system of magic to Abraham of Worms, a German Jew presumed to have lived from c.1362–c.1458....
The Book of Abramelin tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abramelin, or Abra-Melin, who taught a system of magic to Abraham of Worms, a German Jew presumed to have lived from c.1362–c.1458....
Engelenmagie draait om de symbooltaal waarmee engelen communiceren. In dit artikel achtergronden van de klassieke Europese engelenmagie, zoals die in de middeleeuwen en renaissance werd bedreven. In dit deel behandelen we verder de natuur...