Water spirits of Eastern Europe
Water spirits hold an important position in Eastern European folklore. Within Slavic lore, the Rusalka and Vodyany or Wodnick are about the only creatures known beyond Slavic countries. This is mainly due to the...
Water spirits hold an important position in Eastern European folklore. Within Slavic lore, the Rusalka and Vodyany or Wodnick are about the only creatures known beyond Slavic countries. This is mainly due to the...
Manly Palmer Hall (Peterborough, Ontario, 18 March 1901 – Los Angeles, 29 August 1990) was a Canadian-American writer, astrologer, Freemason and mystic. He wrote more than two hundred books. His best-known work is “The...
Prikkelt magie al jaren je interesse en wil je een keer echt werk maken van een stevige basis, dan biedt deze workshopserie een unieke kans om in Nederland zo’n training te volgen. De workshops...
Engelenmagie draait om de symbooltaal waarmee engelen communiceren. In dit artikel achtergronden van de klassieke Europese engelenmagie, zoals die in de middeleeuwen en renaissance werd bedreven. In dit deel behandelen we verder de natuur...