Genius loci – the spirit of a location
The Latin term genius loci literally means “the spirit of the place”. In Roman mythology, the spirit originally meant a guardian spirit (genius), who was often depicted in the form of a snake. In...
The Latin term genius loci literally means “the spirit of the place”. In Roman mythology, the spirit originally meant a guardian spirit (genius), who was often depicted in the form of a snake. In...
Sundsvall (asteroid 6796) was discovered on 21 March 1993 by the Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets (UESAC) and is named after the city of the same name in Sweden. The asteroid measures 11.07...
Is het niet te cynisch voor woorden? Ineens erkent men zuchtend en morrend het fenomeen quantum entanglement, nadat de officiële wetenschap (wat dat ook moge zijn sinds Rupert Sheldrake’s Science Delusion) eindeloos liep...