Category: Demonology

Naamah, Abyzou Lilith Agrat bat Mahalath Eisheth Zenunim

Jewish Femmes Fatales for Dummies

Jewish culture is rather cramped, when it comes to human sexuality. In ancient times the Egyptians, Babylonians and, of course, especially the Greeks, were a lot more liberated in this context. It is therefore...

snake goddess

The snake gods and the human serpent

Snake gods and snake goddesses are common among the most ancient gods of the world. Also common are legends of encounters with snake-like creatures in folklore, like Melusine. Since the beginning of the world...

Cerberus and Heracles - Etching by Antonio Tempesta (Italy Florence 1555–1630)

Cerberus, The Demon Dog of the Underworld

Kerberos (Greek Κέρβερος, latinized Cerberus, also known as Zerberus – “demon of the pit” is in Greek mythology a mostly multi-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld so that no living person...

Black phantom dog

Black dog apparitions

Black dog is often used as a synonym for ghost dog, though some phantom dogs are white instead of black. Black dogs have been reported from almost all the counties of England, the exceptions...