Jewish Femmes Fatales for Dummies
Jewish culture is rather cramped, when it comes to human sexuality. In ancient times the Egyptians, Babylonians and, of course, especially the Greeks, were a lot more liberated in this context. It is therefore...
Jewish culture is rather cramped, when it comes to human sexuality. In ancient times the Egyptians, Babylonians and, of course, especially the Greeks, were a lot more liberated in this context. It is therefore...
Although he left a very impressive oeuvre, only two works of the dark romantic painter Henry Fuseli have really become famous among the general public. The Nightmare or Incubus, both the 1781 and the...
Hoewel hij een zeer indrukwekkend oeuvre naliet, zijn van de romantische schilder Henry Fuseli, maar twee werken echt beroemd geworden bij het grote publiek. The Nightmare of Incubus, om het even of het om...
Demonology and Devil-Lore 1 & 2 were both published in 1897. Within the demonology scope, this rare and mostly forgotten, almost 1000 pages thick masterpiece, remains unsurpassed in quality and completeness. Even in the...
Not merely do the Basques have a unique place in the European history and culture, they are also unique within the evolution of European witchcraft, and when having finished this article, anyone interested in...