Interview with professional occultist and author S. Rob

S. Rob is one of the most prolific authors of occult books. He published no fewer than 727 volumes on the most diverse and often previously unexplored occult and magical subjects.


1. Was there ever a moment or event in your distant past that sparked your interest in the paranormal and magical at that time?

There was not really one event. My grandmother taught me that poetry could be magical spells and about divination by gazing into fire and how to use a pendulum but don’t think that made me the man I am. I think if anything it was my curiosity to explore things that made me be into magick. A curious person finds all kinds of things. In truth I just sort of know things, like I identified as an occultist and yet cannot even remember hearing the word I just knew that was what I had become at one point: as an adult. I suppose it helps me understand it when people do not know what the word occultist means because I myself never heard anyone use it, I just knew what it meant.


2. According to Noam Chomsky in How the World Works, “the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.” I know from my own experience that this is very true, and not only for “muggles,” but especially for those who call themselves “awake” or “spiritual.” What has your experience been with reactions to your being an occultist in the UK—a country, by the way, much more sympathetic to the occult than my own country, Holland?

My heart reaches out for you if it’s that bad, its bad enough here. Here people think the occult is unacceptable impolite and offensive. I think I always got more crap than most but it’s the perpetual unacceptance that gets me. I have a PR man I hire and get advice from and he has to decode what I say to make it acceptable. For instance, the word paranormal is more acceptable than occult: but to me its something different. In this country I was followed around a mall every time my first 10 books written for Finbarr books came out. I kept going to the mall and they eventually worked out I wrote so much that it would be too costly to follow me around all the time. Here in the UK the main resistance is hidden from view and I think it done at a government level. I think the SIS: special information service: does not want occultism to be too large because they view it as a threat to the mainstream religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. They think it would therefore change the social order and only they think are entitled to do that.


3. You are a member of the oldest Ghost Club in the UK. Has your membership, along with the conversations and experiences within this context, influenced your opinion on traditional ideas in occultism? For example, has it given you new perspectives on the nature of ghosts, angels, discarnate souls, nature spirits, etc.? One of the most spectacular paranormal phenomena is the poltergeist. Astronomer and researcher Camille Flammarion collected numerous poltergeist cases, often drawing from 19th-century police reports. Poltergeist outbreaks are frequently accompanied by (de)materialization phenomena that are quite spectacular, such as heavy furniture being transported from one room to another, even when the new room has openings too small for a large closet or other large object. What are your thoughts on the poltergeist theory from a magical perspective?

I think there is more than one mechanism at play with all forms of ghosts, spirits etc.… I feel that some are created through thought, some something played back from the environment like an old record player: like the Stone Tape theory. I feel some are mistakes, some fake, some energy doing something and some outside entities not necessarily human: perhaps best thought of as aliens. There are probably other explanations at rare times too. In short, I think if there was one answer it would have been answered by now. Saying that I do believe in my own theory End of Reality Point Theory. In short this says that things like time slips there is a concealment mechanism that covers up these mistakes: end of reality points that cause time slips. But the concealment mechanism means that photos will change, money will appear different, things will change back or people would forget and if someone did get stuck in the past or future, they would be made to forget they came from a different time. I think this could apply to ghosts and other phenomena and that these flaws in reality could cause these things too. It predicts that most of the time these flaws: end of reality points: will be very small and the differences unnoticed like a brick in a wall not being the same and mostly people forget these things. This means that there could be much more mysterious paranormal things than there seems to be, so much so that maybe it’s just normal.


4. Are you a member of an occult lodge, or do you practice as a solitary magician?

I am a member of the Instituto Magick in Brazil but am from the UK and live in the UK so practice solitary usually but do, do rituals with people but do them with people remotely. This opens up some interesting possibilities because if you can find the people you can get it so the points of the people involved makes interesting geometric shapes: magical ones. However I was brought up a catholic and I think of the catholic mass as ceremonial magick.


5. The German occultist Ulla von Bernus regarded Lucifer as the theonic super-spirit of nature, in contrast to Satan as the theonic super-spirit of techne. My own experience with Lucifer is that, to begin with, you must ritually and mentally separate the true Lucifer (the ancient Roman God of Dawn) from tulpa- or egregore-like versions created in 17th-century French and later English noble circles—versions related to the Black Mass—and, finally, from the social media egregore of the so-called “bullshit-Lucifer,” which is just a name onto which “muggles” project anything they want. In my experience, the true Lucifer is the god of libido, vitalism, and creativity, who can really give you a creative boost, especially when you’re stuck. I have treated Satan in my torus-models in my Dutch books on magic as a co-creator. Without a spirit that rules contraction, no idea of the divine could attain any form or manifestation; not even an angel could come into Briatic or Yetziratic existence. Just as the ego is always confused with its fetish, egoism, I think that Satan as a co-creator is always confused with the fetish of his main essence, which, in the case of a human being, is not healthy in the long term. What are your thoughts or experiences on/with Lucifer, Satan, or “demons” in general?

I believe like you there are many Lucifers and some are more fun than others to play with: meaning some seem lighter and created part by media and are less serious. Satan to me is a force as much as anything. As for demons it depends on how you define them there are tons of things you can label a demon. I think there could be as many demons as there are us: at least.


6. As an occultist or paranormal researcher, have you ever found yourself in a dangerous or frightening situation?

I don’t get frightened that much there was a period where I burnt fear out but it came back. But there are that many times I have done magick that there are tons of frightening stuff from periods where I have been able to feel fear. Also, things that came because of its own volition or sent by another occultist. One situation was from when I was asked to do some magick for a very rich man to combat a super-rich one. I had not been writing that long and there was a female kabbalist: said to be one of the best in the world: unusual for a female many great ones being male jews. I saw her when walking around a mall about that time. Her magick and other magick I was doing at the time melded and I got tired when I got home. Lay down and woke up to the singing of beings made up of lit up stick: like they were made of strip lighting. But the magick I had done melded with theirs and they were sexually attracted to me so I pointed out there was no way this could physically work and they jilted back to their senses and left.

Then there was the time I believe the Vatican: in my books I call them the Vatican’t sometimes: sent MIB’s: two after me: one of which looked more like a type of genie or alien. There was another two that follows my nephew and his friend around in a car. My nephew and his friend got scared but did not react how they thought they would and lost it with the two people MIB’s (Men in Black) in the car and jumped on the bonnet and left them not knowing what to do. These two MIB’s that follows my nephew and his friend were not aliens but I believe child abusers sent by a group to scare them but both children came away unharmed: probably due to their attacking the car and so leaving the MIB’s/abusers not knowing what to do. This was after I contacted the Vatican through an internal email meant for Archbishops sending them an eBook copy of my book Occult escapology humanic possession. Humanic possession is where a human possesses a devil or demon and occult escapology is escapology used in an occult ritual with some outside magical purpose. Both areas were invented by me. I had contacted the Vatican before and that time was just as weird.

Then there is the many times rivals or rival sent death this got me to form a theory. I think that so much does the other realms mirror Earth that one has only to flee to another county: another catchment area: and one moves out of that Deaths service area. This is because in the UK there are separate areas and things function within areas so a bin wagon in one area cannot empty bins in another. I therefore used to flee to a hotel outside of the county: not far just down the road: for a few days if things got dodgy. One of these occasions I gatecrashed a party where they seemed to admit to killing someone: which I think was me. This was the first time I visited that hotel and was drawn there by a demon I trusted. There was a guy on a stage saying, “He’s dead”: the room cheered: “I killed him”. I think it was a secret society of some kind maybe not a grand one just a small one.

But things happen even when on holiday once it was affected by my being an occultist. I was taken to a bar which was called the Old Slave Traders Bar and almost made into a slave: then to went to another and concluded would get shot there. So was drove on and was kidnapped and got out with the help of a friend. Was drugged by the police in an interrogation where they wanted to fit me up. I was hallucinating for days with the drugs they injected me with. This was at least partly because I am an occultist and partly because my books had sold there. And that is the greatly reduced version of why I was banned from going to Brazil. So, I am the ambassador at large in the Instituto Magick: a Brazilian paranormal and occult society with the highest grade but not allowed into Brazil. I could go on and one about different thing that have happened.


7. Some occultists make a distinction between magic(k) and sorcery, defending that difference by saying that sorcerers go against “God’s will,” without explaining when and how “God” told them his exact “will.” What is your opinion on this difference between sorcery and magic(k)?

To me if you believe you can go against Gods will: that it is possible which it may not be: then you would do so all the time whereas if you believe you cannot, you cannot. I do not see it as a thing I think magick and sorcery are both joined at the hip.


8. What was your background before you became a professional occultist?

Children’s entertainer and then online psychic on a then popular psychic online live stream site. I had celebrity clients: only online but had them. But the organization that ran the site changed the percentages we got for our work so I needed to move on and so used by knowledge to write some occult books. I have learned a lot from those first books.


9. Concerning demons, do you consider them as one class of beings or is demon a blanket term, that asks for more specification?

I think demons are incredibly diverse so try and leave classifications open because sometimes: not always: when we remove classifications and judge on individual traits things make more sense.


10. Do you have experience with the Book of Abramelin? If so, what are your thought on the personal guardian angel conversation?

I went through a similar thing by a different mechanism when I wrote the book The Immortals Bible: which I classed at the time as my master work. An alien type angel figure appeared and helped me write the book. Not at the start the writing of the book mentally did the same thing as in Abramelin the mage but with a different ritual. When writing The Immortals Bible I was trying to write something that would go after the end of the Bible: it is something that completes the bible: I believe. So, I get the whole angel conversation thing in Abremlin the mage because I basically had the same thing for a long time. The entity was around me for a long time: weeks: and it was a shade of blue but otherwise looked like Aleister Crowley’s guardian angel. But mine was not in a far off Scottish place it was literally feet away from people separated by red brick walls. I just stayed in with the thing for ages and don’t think anyone knew. But then again, I think people knew better than to look through my curtains.


11. What was it about the Immortals Bible that made it your master work?

I think it is because it is written as books not chapters: like the Bible: it was designed to be used two ways. To read from like in hoodoo they use a bible like a giant spell book and to read passages to made up masses. But also because I believe by writing that book I saved humanity. What is in the book is real because it is in the book. I was empowered in a way I never will be again and given a strange task. I think without it the reality we are in would have ended. This is why I think there always needs to be a copy of the Immortals Bible: probably. It has basically hacked into reality saving us all. That and the immense effort I took over it going into a prolonged altered state of consciousness that exceeded that for other books.