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Six Axes Astrology: The Secret Kickstart for Beginners in Astrology

Six Axes Astrology by Benjamin Adamah introduces a simple yet innovative system that provides a fresh and comprehensive understanding of how the zodiac truly operates. You may have read about your zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun at the time of your birth. However, what you probably don’t know…
Celtic & Mythology | Demonology | Folklore | Magick and Witchcraft | Paranormal
List of Occult Movies and Series selected by VAMzzz Publishing

In these dense times filled with an overload of information, we also need to relax. That’s why we started a movie & series selection based on quality, focusing on mythology, demonology, folklore, magick, witchcraft, and paranormal subjects.

The movies and series can be found on the major streaming platforms (Netflix, HBO Max, Prime Video,…
Magick and Witchcraft
Dion Fortune; her life and spiritual sex magic

Dion Fortune (1890-1946) was many things in her life; she was an occultist, a magician, a philosopher, a psychologist, a trance medium, a priestess and a writer. She is recognized as one of the most luminous and significant figures of 20th-century esoteric thought.

Dion Fortune

Dion Fortune dedicated her life to the revival of…
Artikelen Nederlands (Dutch) | Astrology
Zes Assen Astrologie: De Kickstart voor Beginners in Astrologie

Zes Assen Astrologie (VAMzzz Publishing) door Benjamin Adamah introduceert een eenvoudig maar innovatief systeem dat een frisse en uitgebreide kijk biedt op hoe de dierenriem werkelijk werkt. Misschien heb je gelezen over je sterrenbeeld, dat wordt bepaald door de positie van de zon op het moment van je geboorte. Wat je waarschijnlijk niet weet,…
• Bête du Gévaudan
La Bête du Gévaudan or in Occitan la Bèstia de Gavaudan (the Beast of the Gévaudan) is the nickname of a mysterious canine predator (a wolf of dog; probably several of them) that was/are responsible for a series of attacks on humans (between 88 and 124 according to the sources) between June 30, 1764 and June 19, 1767. Most of the attacks took place in the northern part of the Gévaudan (southern France) with usually fatal results. Some other cases were reported in southern Auvergne, northern Vivarais, Rouergue and southern Velay. The Gévaudan was a sparsely populated historical province in the Massif Central; its boundaries largely corresponded to those of the present-day department of Lozère. Some historians assume that several animals were involved in the attacks. At the time the Beast roamed the Gévaudan, people speculated about a serial killer or Werewolf who was invulnerable to bullets. There have been about a hundred similar attacks in the history of France. In the second half of the 18th century the kingdom was populated by about 20,000 wolves. But this tragedy came at a propitious time for the press, which was in need of interesting news after the Seven Years’ War: the Courrier d’Avignon, then the Gazette de France, and the international gazettes plunged into the matter and published hundreds of articles within a few months.

The attacks led to a targeted hunt for the monster. Among the many animals then killed, two canines were suspected of being the Beast. The first was a large wolf, shot in September 1765 by François Antoine, Louis XV’s harquebus bearer, on the grounds of the Royal Abbey of Les Chazes. Once the animal was stuffed and taken to Versailles, the newspapers and the Court lost interest in the affair. But the attacks on peasants continued. In June 1767, Jean Chastel (1708-1789), a literate farmer from Darne, shot the second animal, identified as a wolf or a large shaggy dog that resembled a wolf, at La Besseyre-Saint-Mary. According to tradition, this animal was the Beast of Gévaudan, as no more fatal attacks were reported in the province after this date. Not a bullet proof Werewolf, but a mortal creature. What remains is the mystery of the enormous scale at which these brutal attacks on humans occurred.

Magick and Witchcraft
Pulsa diNura – the secret death curse of the kabbalists

Kabbalah always had its practical, magical tools in addition to its spiritual goals.

Pulsa deNura, Pulsa diNura or Pulsa Denoura (Aramaic: פולסי דנורא‎ “The Lashes of Fire”) is a purportedly Kabbalistic ceremony in which the destroying angels are invoked to block heavenly forgiveness of the subject’s sins, causing all the curses named in the…
Water spirits of Eastern Europe

Water spirits hold an important position in Eastern European folklore. Within Slavic lore, the Rusalka and Vodyany or Wodnick are about the only creatures known beyond Slavic countries. This is mainly due to the early 20th century illustrations by Russian artist Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876-1942), which, like his other drawings, found their way to…
438028 2004 EH96
The role that one’s sexuality occupies in one’s life

2004 EH96 measures 92 km in diameter and was discovered on February 26, 2004, by Marc William Buie. Astrologically it was located in the 2nd degree Libra.

2004 EH96 seems to be strongly connected to the role sexuality plays in one’s life. This Plutino can be linked to developing a sexual identity, to sexual needs and the integrating of one’s sexual identity into daily life; to calibrating tension fields between ones career and ones passions; to the mastery of the sex drive and sexual tendencies, sexual individuation and maturation. Finally, 2004 EH96 can enhance ones awareness of sexual energy as part of - or thrust behind - ones zest for life and vigor.

The orbital period is 250 years and 340 days.

(page 89)

Urbain Grandier and the mystery of the Devils of Loudun

In October 1633, Jean Mignon performed exorcisms on several Ursuline nuns who were believed to be possessed by evil spirits and who accused Grandier of witchcraft. In December, Jean Martin de Laubardemont, sent by Cardinal Richelieu from Paris to oversee the demolition of the castle of Loudun, had Grandier imprisoned in the castle of…
"Dear Benjamin,
With deep appreciation for the depth of your remarkable work, I am happy to share this mention in the latest issue of The Evolving Astrologer, the publication of OPA, the Organization of Professional Astrologers.
– Aureal Williams"