The Cubewanos get more and more attention in astrology. They form a group of asteroids and dwarf-planets in the Kuiper Belt, just beyond the orbit of Pluto. Their orbital period around the Sun is 260 to 330 years. To be classified as a Cubewano, the asteroid must be quite large (at least about 100 km in diameter).
Cubewanos are complex objects, but mainly because of their versatility and less because of inherent conflicts or wounds as with Centaurs and Jupiter Trojans, or obsessive tendencies as seen with Plutinos. Many of these objects are connected to Zeitgeist-phenomena that characterize the 21st century. For example, Quaoar governs growth and expansion through wiki-like structures. Makemake governs new technology, microbiology, satellites, skyscrapers, peak performance, and experiences in all possible fields. Varuna is about major massmedia-events, Many Cubewanos already attracted the attention of astrologers, like Albion (QB1), Logos, Varda, Praamzius, Chaos, Arroboth, Altjirah, Sila-Nunam, Salacia, Borasisi, Deucalion and Teharonhiawako, while this book also covers many interesting Cubewanos that have not been officially named yet. The Haumeids are a group of asteroids that are all connected to the “mother object” Haumea. These fascinating objects are primarily about (distorted) dept-psychological dramas. Additionally, several Trans-Neptunian Objects are discussed with deviant orbits, including Manwë.
In this third publication of the asteroid-series, Benjamin Adamah explores the astrological significance of 29 Cubewanos, 10 Haumeids, and 11 TNOs with deviant Neptune resonances. Discover the influence of these celestial bodies in worldly affairs and how they impact your personal life!