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5 Early Grimoires of The Olympic Spirits


5 Early Grimoires of The Olympic Spirits is the first publication in the series German Occult Manuscripts in Translation. The Olympic Spirits, also known as ‘Olympick Spirits’ or ‘Olympian Spirits’, constitute a group of seven occult entities that dwell between the angelic and demonic realms. They are documented in various Renaissance and post-Renaissance works on ceremonial magic. Like the planetary angels, they are all linked to a specific planet.

Extra informatie

Translator & Editor

Benjamin Adamah

Published Year


Book Size

170 x 244 mm

Number of Pages





German Occult Manuscripts in Translation





Artikelnummer: 9789492355706 Categorieën: , , , Product ID: 21156


5 Early Grimoires of The Olympic Spirits is the first publication in the series German Occult Manuscripts in Translation. The Olympic Spirits, also known as ‘Olympick Spirits’ or ‘Olympian Spirits’, constitute a group of seven occult entities that dwell between the angelic and demonic realms. They are documented in various Renaissance and post-Renaissance works on ceremonial magic. Like the planetary angels, they are all linked to a specific planet.

This is the first book that compiles various 16th and 17th-century occult documents centered around the Olympic Spirits to provide a deeper understanding from a magical and historical point of view. Three German grimoires, one ‘Olympic’ chapter from the Faust grimoires, and one original Latin manuscript published in Prague, are offered to you in English translation – including editorial notes, an introduction, and a planetary hours appendix.

These works are:

  • Theosophia Pneumatica (1686)
  • The German Arbatel de Magia Veturum (1686)
  • Fausti Höllenzwang – Mirakel-Kunst und Wunder-Buch (1504)
  • The Faustian chapter Die Pentacula derer Sieben Olympischen Geister (1505) containing beautiful deviant Olympic Spirits sigils
  • The Latin Vera Atque Brevis Descriptio Virgulae Mercurialis (1532)

The latter is a rare magico-alchemical treatise on the Olympic Spirits.