Occult Blog history & documentation


Zeitgeist is the way of thinking and feeling (mentality) of an age or certain time-frame. In occult terms a Zeitgeist is an etheric storm, to use Dion Fortune’s definition, with a very strong morphogenetic...

Naamah, Abyzou Lilith Agrat bat Mahalath Eisheth Zenunim

Jewish Femmes Fatales for Dummies

Jewish culture is rather cramped, when it comes to human sexuality. In ancient times the Egyptians, Babylonians and, of course, especially the Greeks, were a lot more liberated in this context. It is therefore...

Genius loci

Genius loci – the spirit of a location

The Latin term genius loci literally means “the spirit of the place”. In Roman mythology, the spirit originally meant a guardian spirit (genius), who was often depicted in the form of a snake. In...

Tatzelwurm_Fountain in Kobern-Gondorf - haselwurm

Haselwurm and Tatzelwurm

The Haselwurm and the Tatzelwurm or Stollenwurm are a strange creatures which dwell in a foggy way between spirit beings from folklore and cryptozoological rarities. The weirdest thing about the creature is the fact...

Álfaborg Iceland-Huldufólk

Huldufólk, the Hidden People of Iceland

The Huldufólk (“hidden people”), also called Högfolk is a mythical race of Elves in Icelandic and Faroese folklore. They are supernatural beings that live in nature. They look and behave similarly to humans, but...

White Lady - White Ladis spooky

The mystery of the White Ladies

White Ladies is a common term applied to apparitions of various natures, with the appearances of ghostly white ladies. They may be supernatural entities playing the roles of fairies, witches, night washerwomen or harbingers...

Nessus in astrology - Hercules slaying Nessus the centaur by Fortunino Matania (1881 - 1963)

Nessus in astrology

“Nessus in astrology” is an upcoming search term in astrology circles on the Internet. This was expected by those already working with this Centaur. Just like the now widely accepted and introduced Chiron, most...